Gold Hospitality is a leading international hospitality recruitment and executive search firm. We specialize in identifying, evaluating, and placing leadership and management talent in the hospitality industry. Our hospitality recruiters have made senior-level placements in all sectors of the hospitality industry.

Our recruiters take the time to understand your business goals, company culture, and specific job requirements in detail when we first start an assignment. We do this so that we can present exactly the kind of professional candidate you need to solve your business challenge. Our client recruitment relationships are formed by trust, discretion and confidentiality. Our executive recruiters are absolutely focused on, and dedicated to, the long-term success of our hospitality industry clients. We feel that our strengths lie in the fact that we have years of experience to draw upon when working an assignment. We therefore feel our ability to recruit excellent candidates is unmatched, and we often can bring great value beyond the basic executive search function and recruitment of candidates.

Contact: Kamal Boudaoud


Phone N°:+212635063111


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